Labour Day weekend is here and in addition to the yard work I didn’t do all summer I’m planning to finish reading two books and finally get around to spring-cleaning the front closet. You could say I’ve had a busy 2024 so far, and not just because of all the ultimate games I’ve played.
But now that fall is here-ish I get to say it’s my favourite time of year. It feels full of hope, energy and possibilities. My Ottawa Citizen column this week talks about some of the work we need to do, using that beautiful pumpkin-spice-infused energy, to make this city the best it can be. Or at least better.
In my mischievous moments I’m toying with the idea of flipping the mayor’s “fiscal fairness” campaign on its head to show that what we need to do is prioritize downtown by making sure transit runs, that sidewalks aren’t cracked beyond redemption and that there is plenty of affordable housing, among other urgent issues. Because the truth is: If your downtown is healthy (including financially), your suburbs will be, too. The reverse is never true.
Oh, and amidst the things that have me excited (beyond Eldest starting university next week, eek!) are a few additional projects I’ve been prepping, featuring frisbee and more urbanism stuff. I’m headed back to my beloved Huntsville, Alabama, in a few weeks to advance a project I’ve been working on for two years (and also see friends, give hugs and have fun). You’ll be the first to hear when it’s at the point where I can talk about it instead of just teasing you to tears.
Happy long weekend!