This one is mostly en français as you need to be fluent enough to be able to appreciate this gem of a film. Such a contrast with my movie experience of a week
In the Ottawa Citizen this week I talk about food insecurity and how extraordinarily incomprehensible it is for a society so rich and advanced that it can catch freaking rockets with giant chopsticks
This one is just in French, because the platform to which I am referring is 100% in that language. It is a new initiative by the Assotiation des auteur.e.s de l’
[English follows French, be patient.]
Il y a des affaires qui sont tellement nounounes que mon vieux fonds franco-québécois revient au galop et s’accapare la place qui lui revient pour les démantibuler
There are costs and benefits to living in a country with two official languages. Perhaps, if the British parliament had opted to implement Radical Jack's ideas, we'd have saved