5. Gender

Come out to Pride

In my column this week I amplify Fae Johnstone’s invitation to straight and cis-gender Ottawans to march in Sunday’s parade. I add a few choice words about the “parents’ rights” crowd,

Are you there, deity? It's me, them

The other day I took Middle Child to the movies because A) that child loves movie theatres and B) they’re actually such a keen observer that they’re secretly doing half the

Exposing bigotry

One reason I’m glad I spent good money on a new iPhone for one of my fav teenagers is that they get really good content that they then share with me. (Please

Baring arms

Among the missteps I’ve had the misfortune of taking in my life, two years as morning face on the brashly conservative (or, rather, Conservative) Sun News Network has to be way up