3. Travel

Une gâterie franco-ontarienne

This one is just in French, because the platform to which I am referring is 100% in that language. It is a new initiative by the Assotiation des auteur.e.s de l’

Home truths

One of the coolest parts of my work is to get advanced copies of books I’m dying to read and tell you what I think of them. Carolyn Whitzman’s excellent Home

Tout le monde en becyk

My friend and colleague, the scintillating Bruce Deachman, challenged us to come up with new and improved mottoes for Ottawa and you know me when someone puts a dare in front of my

On the road again

A bit of a shorter update this week as I’m on the road from Ottawa to Connecticut via Toronto which, as you’ll know if you’ve ever looked at a map,

To whom nature

This wasn’t meant to be a weekend replete with political philosophy. My goal was to take a well-deserved break to rest and recharge. But of course being me, now that I have