“How do you two know each other?”
It was all we could do not to burst out laughing. Are you really that unobservant?
We thought it very loudly but we didn’t let
Nobody ever goes to England for the warmth.
I brought mine with me. And so did she.
I came from Montréal, she from Brazil. I don’t remember her name. Only how she
(Artist/artiste: R. Robson)
You’re not supposed to look at your phone when you cross a big downtown street, but you know how it is and please don’t judge me. L’
The excitement of coming back to Huntsville -- my fourth trip since November -- was not entirely related to the weather. Although, in Canada where I sat (frozen) while those lines were written,
Maybe you’re old enough to remember that when George W. Bush decided the world should invade Iraq not everyone in the world wanted to follow. By which I mean most didn’t