2. Urbanism

Building in, building well

On Monday I watched a presentation by a group of housing experts on the benefits of pre-fab infill as one of the key solutions both to the housing crisis and also that little

Tout le monde en becyk

My friend and colleague, the scintillating Bruce Deachman, challenged us to come up with new and improved mottoes for Ottawa and you know me when someone puts a dare in front of my

End the stupid

Have you ever worked in an office that was so awesome you could barely contain yourself? A collective workspace so well designed that you couldn’t resist going there even if your physical

Road tripping with Toon

On Wednesday morning I took off for Quebec City with my good friend and fellow smart urbanism enthusiast Toon Dreessen. I’ve discovered he’s the perfect road-tripping buddy and not just because

Design for conflict avoidance

In my Ottawa Citizen column this week I discuss wildlife management and how – in this and in many other aspects of life in society – smart design can make such a big difference. Speaking